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Chernjuk Alexander, a human rights site.

Wednesday, 16.10.2024, 01:43
In recent years the production of niche crops in Ukraine is developing very rapidly and causes an increased interest among agricultural market participants.
Over the past 20 years, confident leaders of niche among Ukrainian agro crops is brewing barley, peas, oats, soybeans and rye. Their total contribution is approximately 80% of the total production of niche crops in Ukraine. However, in 2011 the share of these crops was lowest, dropping to 60%.

This is explained by the fact that these crops as sorghum, millet and buckwheat, last year increased its contribution to the overall distribution of Ukrainian niche crops, thereby "squeezing" the leaders from their positions. Especially in 2012 arid was well proved sorghum.
Market demands from its members adequate action. Farm "Elfa" offers a discussion on this topic on your blog and share your experiences uchvsnykam.
Views: 3518 | Added by: Alex | Date: 22.11.2012 | Comments (0)

Analysis pryemov and metodov falsyfykatsyy uholovnыh Affairs judges and predlahaemыe methods for s neytralyzatsyy. In the example of a specific criminal affairs issues are considered Actual combat falsyfykatsyyamy uholovnыh affairs most judges in Snehyrevskom judges Mykolaiv region.

Article 3 of the Constitution: Man, his life and health, honor and dignity, immunity and safety, pryznayutsya in Ukraine nayvыsshey sotsyalnoy tsennostyu.

Human rights and freedoms and their warranty opredelyayut contents and activities napravlennost state. The State otvechaet front man of for their activities. Adoption and Securing human rights and freedoms yavlyaetsya importantly obyazannostyu state.
Level of democracy in the state is determined nezavysymostyu, otkrыtostyu and dostupnostyu pravosudyya for citizens.
Article 129 of the Constitution. Judges at osuschestvlenyy pravosudyya regardless and podchynyayutsya lysh law.
Sudoproyzvodstvo plant is edynolychno judges, jud ... Read more »

Views: 23087 | Added by: Alex | Date: 09.02.2012 | Comments (2)

Following the CPC of Ukraine, the panel of judges decided:

1.       appeal Chernyuk defender Yuri V. partially satisfy.

2.  ... Read more »

Views: 3153 | Added by: Alex | Date: 24.07.2011 | Comments (3)


  • Sources and causes of the criminal case of falsification Ukrainian special services.
  • Legal consequences of breach of the security forces of the constitutional rights of citizens.
  • Analysis of the criminal case by the method of the Laws of victimology.
  • Forecast of further development of the legal situation in Ukraine.
Views: 851 | Added by: Alex | Date: 27.06.2011 | Comments (1)

Sold at a bargain price of the original court documents in the case Chernyuk AY Crimes of official power in Ukraine. Clicking on the link  http://alexchernyuk.gb7.ru/  you can find a wide assortment of documents and services.   Particular attention should be paid to an appeal filed by Defenders Chernyuk Y. in the high specialized court of Uk ... Read more »

Views: 830 | Added by: Alex | Date: 30.05.2011 | Comments (0)

President of Ukraine
Yanukovich, Viktor Fedorovich
st. Bankova, 11, Kyiv Post. Code 01220
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Mogilev, Anatoly V.
st. Academician Bogomol'tsya, 10,
Kyiv Post. Code 01024,
Head of Ukraine's SBU
Khoroshkovsky Val ... Read more »
Views: 2970 | Added by: Alex | Date: 01.12.2010 | Comments (0)

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
Mogilev, Anatoly V.
st. Academician Bogomol'tsya, 10,
Kyiv, 01024,
Defender Chernyuk Yuri Vasilievich
residing at the address: Str. Quay, 34,
 with. Maleevka. Bereznegovatskogo Area
Mykolaiv region, zip code 56214

... Read more »

Views: 939 | Added by: Alex | Date: 01.12.2010 | Comments (0)

6. Given that the investigation period was on 23.11.2009, Major Yurochka VM was willfully exceeded all my family members have refused it, the 23/11/2009 to testify as witnesses to this investigator, who was offside. But he is us "trick" (and maybe himself), drew up a report questioning the witness Chernyuk Vasily Yurevich born 1995, on behalf of the witness, who declined to give testimony, recorded in the minutes of its non-existent evidence, to create artificial evidence. It is the creation of artificial evidence, forgery. Created Yurochka VM also dangerous to the rule: "He refused to testify? So I am for you and give you a sign, "but that it generally qualifies Art. 366, 383, 384 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

7. Photographing luminescence traces on the clothing was made without filters in the rays of daylight. Since the ... Read more »

Views: 1118 | Added by: Alex | Date: 01.12.2010 | Comments (0)

15. Witness Nikita Vladimirovich Kozlov pointed out that the concept could not be seen as selling Chernyuk AY Early buyers Voronin - online alias "Kravchenko" drug 26.09.2009 at 16 am. 30 minutes in the first place was too big a distance as stated in a sentence of up to 50 meters, the second car at this time unfolding, and in others - the glass in the car very toned and dusty for a long ride the dusty roads and burned much sun in my eyes. Testimony other witnesses who all saw and heard everything points to their dependence on the police, which forced them to give false testimony. Their effect is qualified by Art. 384 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine;

16. Witnesses Trifonenko, Root Onischuk VS - Operational alias "Shevchenko" indicate (AS 12-14) (a.s.30-32 ,33-34, 35), Khodyko during the OS was in the appointed place, namely, 2 ... Read more »

Views: 2594 | Added by: Alex | Date: 01.12.2010 | Comments (8)

Head of Ukraine's SBU
Khoroshkovsky Valery
st. Vladimirskaya 33, Kiev Post. Code 01034
Defender Chernyuk Yuri Vasilievich
residing at the address: Str. Quay, 34,
with. Maleevka. Bereznegovatskogo Area
Mykolaiv region, zip code 56214


... Read more »

Views: 1627 | Added by: Alex | Date: 01.12.2010 | Comments (0)

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