In a statement вскрыты lzhesvydetelstva facts, falsyfykatsyy ulyk, violations of human rights. Prosmatryvayutsya symptom orhanyzovannoy prestupnoy group activities in MIA, прокуратуры, ships.
To the regional prosecutor's Mykolayiv region
Defender shuffler George V.
st. Riverside, 34 pp. Maliivka,
Bereznehuvatskoho area Mykolaiv region. 56 214
Tel. 0978544661 Tel. 0516894390
Statement of the crimes.
(For staff misconduct Interior Ministry, prosecutors, courts Mykolayiv region in a criminal case № 1-45/2010 (criminal case № 09080087).)
In a criminal case materials that prove that operational staff Bereznehuvatskoho ROVD Hodnyka Khokhlov and filed false reports of crimes. Based on this dezynformatsiyi was customary Operational business. 25.08.2009 Testing was carried out procurement of drugs in unknown person. Prescribed buyers Voronin (Kravchenko), Onischuk (Shevchenko), concepts Tryfonenko, Kozlova,
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