Analysis of MPAs "test purchases" carried out by the Presidential Administration (BA) on behalf of the Guarantor of the Constitution Viktor Yanukovych
Questioning every action "overseers" of the police or the Administration of the President can and should be. And the literacy "overseers" of their very upset. There is an instruction AIM, SBU i Державної податкової адміністрації Ukraine від 30 leaf N 2001 roku 1065, extra. / 307 extra. / 482 Doc. "About zatverdzhennya Інструкції about the order of оперативної закупівлі that kontrolovanogo postachannya предметів, товарів, rechovin have to числі zaboronenih to обігу have фізичних that юридичних осіб, Square від forms власності.
Everyone should know that any TV show "overseers" must have a legitimate reason. And test purchases - not the exception. We must immediately find out whether the right of officials (even from the AP) to conduct such purchases? We all need to question. O
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